Menso Veerman

Let's introduce myself…
My interest in the body and spirituality started early. As a child and teenager I played sports a lot and asked the pastor 'difficult' questions. At the age of eighteen I followed a training to be a sports masseur and carer.
After courses in intuitive massage and shiatsu, I started a Postural Integration course at the Bodymind Institute. This is an intensive body-oriented therapy, which can give the body, thinking and feeling more space by loosening deep connective tissue knots. Afterwards I trained in massages of the pelvic floor area and I started to follow tantra groups and later also to assist and give. ​
Another, very profound influence was the encounters with Alexander Smit, a direct student of Nisargadatta. The non-dual advaita-vedanta that Alexander soberly embodied has influenced me extremely deeply. It slowly but steadily shed the identification with the ego, allowing love, humor and wisdom to unfold more and more.
In the meantime I deepened the knowledge and practice of shamanism, looking for a way to give it a place in today's Western society. A two-year apprenticeship with a shamanic master was a source of inspiration. There I learned to give healings, among other things. During my tantra massages, this energetic healing quality flows where it is needed.
What constantly inspires and refines me are my relationship, friendships, teachers, workshops, books and encounters with people, animals and nature, especially the trees. Through my other work as an arborist I am in daily contact with these majestic creatures.
But especially through life itself, a wonderful manifestation of consciousness, love and also the difficult sides, which invite to create more compassion and clarity.
And all this time there was and is the common thread of tantra. In tantra everything comes together for me. It is a form of spirituality in which, among other things, sensuality and intimacy are forms of expression to coincide more and more deeply with life. Where the tantra is powerfully and joyfully expressed is in my fulfilling love relationship with my partner Elise, also my companion in tantra, four-hands & duo massages and coaching.

Pathways & training:
° Urban Tantra ® Professional Training, Brighton UK - Certificated, by Barbara Carrellas - 2022
° Conscious kink & shadow tantra - Kinky couples training, London UK, by Seani Love - 2020
° Erotic blueprint training, by Miss Jaiya & partner Ian - 2020
° Shakti & Shiva Honoring & Massage - Tantra massage training, Bristol UK, by Gayatri - 2018/2019
° Pelvic release / sexual de-armouring training for yoni & lingam - 2018
° Orgasmic Meditation - 2015
Partner yoga teacher training, Amsterdam NL, Rainbow yoga - 2018, Shiatsu 1, Intuitive massage, Thai massage in Chiang Mai Thailand, Men's four-day event in Venwoude
Longer routes:
° Non-Dualistic teaching with Alexander Smit
° Intensive program Master-Student shaman
° Annual Stemwork Program with Chris James
° Sports massage and caregiver / 2 years
° Postural Integration - Bodymind Institute / 2 years
Teacher in:
Tantra yoga at the Tantra Festival, Tantra and shamanism, Tantra massage, Emotional Bodywork, Relationship year trajectory, Meditation, Shamanism
assisted with, among other things:
° Body ecstatic - Willem Poppeliers and Rashmi
° Besexual - Carole Verbeeck & Helena Vanden Bergh